Monday 19 May 2014

Music Monday #5 ♡

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't done a post in about a month, to be honest I've been so stressed out with exams and I have been lacking motivation to do a post, I'm beginning to wonder whether I want to scrap this blog and create a new one but I am unsure at this point. Anyway, I thought I'd do a music Monday post seeming as it is Monday and whilst I have been scrabbling away at my textbooks I have discovered or re-discovered some cool music so I thought I would share it with you :)

1. Breezeblocks - Alt-J

Alt-J were a band who I never thought I would like, but for some reason I decided to listen to their awesome wave album and I liked it a lot, it's so calm and soothing, I definitely recommend listening to the whole album start to finish because each song flows into each other really well, this is one of my favourite songs from the album but I also like something good, tessellate and taro :)

2. Ballad of a Politician - Regina Spektor 

I don't think this is a new song but when have my music Monday posts ever been completely new songs?? I have always liked the odd song from Regina Spektor but I have found myself listening to her more and more, I think my first experience with her was probably with Ben Folds on the song 'you don't know me' (listen to that if you haven't heard it) I also really like the song Samson and Ne Me Quitte Pas, she has a really nice voice and her songs are quite meaningful

3. The Suburbs - Arcade Fire

This song is so chilled out and I feel like the theme of it is quite relevant to my life right now (if you have a different interpretation to me though that's fine), I interpreted it to be how you are forced through a certain path in your life and you have all these hopes and dreams, then when you're an adult life takes its toll on you and damages you, and it feels quite relevant for me because here I am at age 17 being forced into this education system and all the dreams and things I had when I was younger seem so far away now.

4. Queenie Eye - Paul McCartney

This isn't a new song but it's from the past year, from the 'NEW' album which I do quite like from what I've heard. Being an obsessive Beatles fan, I had to have something Beatles related in here. I think this song is really fun and upbeat, and quite different from what he usually does because sometimes his songs can sound very similar.

5. The Headmaster Ritual - The Smiths

I'm not sure if I've used this in a previous music Monday post but I have been listening to this so much recently, I reckon it's because the end of school approaching (exams end on June 2nd but then I have to go back and start learning A2 on June 9th..) This is hands down one of the best songs by the Smiths, if you haven't heard them I would say listen to this, This Charming Man, Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now, There is a Light That Never Goes Out, and The Queen is Dead - if you still don't like them after that then there is no saving your soul. On the subject of The Smiths, has anyone heard Morrissey's new single? It's called 'World Peace is None of Your Business' which is the title of his new album, I quite like it and I'm looking forward for the rest of the album :)

Hope you enjoyed this post!
I will be back shortly with a Primark/Makeup Haul, exams are nearly nearly nearly over.. for the time being you can watch some of my youtube videos :)


  1. There is definitely not enough appreciation for The Smiths these days! <3


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