Monday 7 October 2013

Music Monday #1

Hello there attractive people of the internet, I've seen a lot of 'music Monday' posts on the interwebs and it looked like something I would want to do, so I'm doing it, yeah woo I don't know how to end this sentence so let's get right into it. I'm gonna warn you now that NONE of these songs are 'new songs' and I would actually go as far to say that they are old songs but nevertheless I have been listening to them a lot this week, so the songs I've really been loving this week are the following (in no particular order):

1. I'm Happy Just To Dance With You - The Beatles

I honestly love the album 'A Hard Day's Night' and the movie with the same title, in my opinion it is probably the best Beatles album, that being said my favourite changes all the time. 

2. Red Lights Indicate Doors are Secured - Arctic Monkeys

I don't know what it is about this song, I love Alex Turner's voice and honestly I just love the Arctic Monkeys. I think the song just flows quite nicely if that makes sense, I'm sure Isabella would understand what I mean  ;)

3. From the Ritz to the Rubble - Arctic Monkeys

Another Arctic Monkeys song, I think with this song I like how Alex Turner is basically just talking to the music for the first 10 seconds and then it picks up. It's just the magic of Arctic Monkeys I think.

4. I Should Have Known Better - The Beatles

I really like the harmonica on the intro, it's skiffle-y and I like how the chorus is all sweet and John makes me go weak at the knees, not as much as Paul but hey I'm pretty easy going.

5. I've Just Seen a Face - The Beatles

The intro to this song gets me hooked to be honest, whenever it comes up on my shuffle I always listen to at least the intro even if I don't want to listen to the entire song haha

Thanks for reading, I don't know whether you found that interesting or not but music is quite a big part of my life so I wanted to share my insights with you :)

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