Saturday 28 September 2013

September Favourites 2013 ♡

Hello there internet peoples!
So September is coming to an end, so I thought I'd do a September favourites post because there are quite a lot of things that I have been loving this month. They aren't necessarily new products, they aren't even all beauty/fashion products but I would definitely recommend reading this because I own a product that prevents colds - seriously.

1. Simple Hydrating Light Moisturiser

I bought this just because I wanted a moisturiser and from the first time I used it I realised just how amazing it is. It moisturises your skin without making it greasy and it works for 12 hours so if I put it on before bed my skin feels like a baby's bottom in the morning, even now while I'm writing this, I didn't even use it yesterday and my skin feels amazing. Also, after I bought this I went on the Superdrug website and saw top 5 moisturisers and this comes number 1 in the list! I actually bought this from Savers so it was under £3 (think it was £2.99) which is roughly a pound cheaper than in Superdrug, but I would definitely buy this again and recommend it to all of you! There is a rich moisturiser too but my skin isn't really that dry on my face and I didn't want greasy skin, but if that's a problem you suffer with then there is hope for you after all!


2. Close Up Toothpaste

I did say there weren't many beauty items here. Now you're probably thinking 'why is she going on about toothpaste? What an utter nutter' but this is the best toothpaste I have ever used. It actually makes your teeth whiter! I bought this in the USA (sorry you can't buy this in the UK but I stocked up on holiday) for about 79 cents because my Mum used this back in the late 80s and has been going on about it ever since so she knew to stock up when we saw it. In the drug stores in Manhattan it was really expensive but we still bought about 10 tubes, then we felt so stupid when we went to the supermarket with my Aunt and it was a couple of dollars cheaper. The paste is like a red gel and it's cinnamon flavour which isn't my favourite but as it makes your teeth brighter and much nicer so I'm not complaining. I do hope when our 3743970290230894 tubes run out we'll be going back to the USA because I never want to stop using this!

3. Black Patent Dr Marten Boots

These are like my favourite shoes anyway but now that the weather is getting colder I'm wearing them so much more often, I'm still hoping for a pair of Dr Marten shoes but I haven't gotten round to buying those yet. These are £85 unless you find them on sale, my white patent ones were £63 on sale so if you wait until about October then the Dr Martens should all be reduced. It's really a long term investment because they last so long, they're real leather, honestly they're amazing amazing shoes.

4. Johnson's Baby Bath

I really like this baby bath because it makes my bath all bubbly, I'm such a child oh my gosh. Seriously though, I like the scent. It's not really a clear scent like vanilla or something but I just really like it. That's such a rubbish description, but this is better for your skin I think and I like to use a bit of Johnson's baby oil too just to keep the moisture in my bath. A hot bubbly bath is absolute bliss around this time of year whereas in the summer showers are the one. My Mum bought a new bottle of this earlier this week because the old one had a tiny bit in, so the second I saw a full one was available I pretty much dumped a load of it in my bath because I was so excited - it's that good.

5. Metatone Tonic

I said I had a cure for a cold - I do. My Mum started buying this stuff last year and I didn't get a cold once during the autumn - winter period last year. You know that feeling when you know you're about to get sick but you're not quite there yet? Whenever I feel like that, I take a tablespoon or two of this bad boy and I'm ready to go. I think it boosts your immune system or something because when you start feeling sick it's probably your immune system trying to fight off the bug right? I do biology so you'd think I know that but nope. It's cherry flavoured but it's sort of medicine-y flavoured. My Mum buys it so I couldn't say where it's from but I assume it's just from a regular supermarket.

6. Hot Chocolate and Whipped Cream

To be honest, I was drinking hot chocolate throughout the whole of summer but I didn't want to use whipped cream on it because it's been sort of a fear food of mine for about a year and I stopped having it, but I decided to conquer my fear food and have it on hot chocolate and it makes such a difference. It's lovely to be all cosy and have hot chocolate too, this particular hot chocolate is waitrose low calorie hot chocolate which is really really good but it gets that disgusting hot chocolate residue at the end which I can't stand. I don't mind it in some hot chocolates because it tastes like sugar but not in this one, makes me a bit queasy just thinking about it..

7. Pop Tarts

Another thing I had stocked up on in the USA, but in Sainsbury's they're actually not too expensive for the more basic flavours so my Mum has started buying them - yay Mum! If anyone starts even talking about Pop tarts I do just perk up and go all fuzzy inside, I think the jammy fruit ones are the best but even the chocolate ones are okay. They have way better flavours in the USA but hey it's better than nothing. I had actually tried these ages before going to America, I think they introduced them in the UK years ago and I tried them and just thought they were really really sweet and then my parents never bought them again. Then I got them in a cybercandy box (the Cherry ones) and fell in love, so I knew when we went to the USA I had to stock up! Anyone who's reading this who knows me should know my birthday is coming up soon so hint hint I like pop tarts.......

8. Herbal tea

Similar to my love of hot chocolate, but during the week I like to have a herbal tea before bed because there's no caffeine or sugar or bad stuff in them. Hot chocolate is sort of what I have as a treat on a Friday. I'm really loving Butter Mint tea, but my favourite tea is probably strawberry and mango with a teaspoon of splenda - perfect.

That's all I have for my September Favourites 2013, what are you loving right now? If you've done a post similar to mine please post a comment with the link because I like to read them.

ALSO, me, Lizzie, and a few other friends are doing some charity work for WOHAA which is Wings of Hope Achievement Award. We basically are raising money to help children in less fortunate countries get a decent education, we're going to be doing a variety of events to raise money. The first one being that a few members of our team are going to be dying their hair in crazy colours. If we raise £50, they'll do one colour. £100 is two colours. £150 is three colours, and if we raise £200 then they'll dress in the colour of their hair. If we raise enough money to get to the semi-finals (it's sort of like a competition) we can go to the House of Lords, if we win all together we get to go to India and see the schools and the children we've been donating to.

The link to our donation page:

If you can donate anything, anything at all we would be so thankful. Thanks for reading this little extra bit anyway, I'll be posting about the charity events we do as well. Our team is called Legend-wait-for-it-dary because it's a How I met your Mother reference? I don't watch it but the other members of my team do so..

Sorry I went off on a tangent - bye!


  1. Cute outfit,follow each other,please let me know and i follow you back

    1. ... what outfit? lovely to know that people actually take the time to read my blog posts..


Thank you so much for commenting, I read every single comment and it means so much that you have taken the time to comment - you my friend are pretty darn cool.